
I have organized and attended several public events, workshops, and research seminars on the application of digital technologies, social media data analytics, multimedia storytelling, and society well-being. I have also interviewed by news media, and contributed to the news media as a commentator.

1. invited talks at public research seminars

2. media interviews

3. news commentaries

  1. Zhang, X. (2014). “Who is the singer?” A social network analysis on the song covering network of the Chinese TV Reality Show “I am the Singer”). Media Digest [Hong Kong: Radio Television Hong Kong], 2014(4). Full text: http://rthk.hk/mediadigest/20140417_76_123107.html. [張昕之 (2014)。〈誰是歌手?對內地電視選秀節目《我是歌手》競演翻唱曲目的社會網絡分析〉。 香港電台《傳媒透視》,2014年第4期]

  2. Zhang, X. (2013). Four interpretive frames to make sense of Snowden incident: Government-citizen relation, political expression, international relation, and privacy. Media Digest [Hong Kong: Radio Television Hong Kong], 2013(7), 4-5. Full text: http://rthk.hk/mediadigest/20130715_76_123002.html. [張昕之 (2013)。〈斯諾登事件之四重邏輯:政府-公民關係,政治表達,國際關係,與隱私權利〉。 香港電台《傳媒透視》,2013年第7期,頁4-5]

  3. Zhang, X. (2012). The analyze on the TV appreciation index and cognition ratings of Hong Kong TV Drama: 1998-2009. Media Digest [Hong Kong: Radio Television Hong Kong], 2012(6), 16-17. Full text: http://rthk.hk/mediadigest/20120613_76_122880.html. [張昕之 (2012)。〈從電視欣賞指數歷年數據概述香港電視劇集特徵與收視情況〉。 香港電台《傳媒透視》,2012年第6期,頁16-17]

  4. Zhang, X. (2012). On the banned TV drama When the Heaven Burns in mainland China. Media Digest [Hong Kong: Radio Television Hong Kong], 2012(1), 6-7. Full text: http://rthk.hk/mediadigest/20120113_76_122823.html. [張昕之 (2012)。〈簡評香港劇集《天與地》在內地禁播事件〉。 香港電台《傳媒透視》,2012年第1期,頁6-7]

  5. Wang, C., & Zhang, X. (2011). The rising cacophony or dominated opinions? Public discussions about Gaddafi on micro-blog. Media Digest [Hong Kong: Radio Television Hong Kong], 2011(9), 12-13. Full text: http://rthk.hk/mediadigest/20110915_76_122789.html. [王成軍,張昕之 (2011)。〈「眾說紛紜」抑或「一言九鼎」〉。 香港電台《傳媒透視》,2011年第9期,頁12-13]

  6. Zhang, X. (2011). Why people from the mainland China would like to make a donation in Hong Kong? The Southern Metropolitan Daily. Full text. [张昕之(2011)内地人为何在香港捐款。南方都市报,2011年8月15日]

  7. Zhang, X. (2010). A review on the media’s performance during Manila hostage incident. Media Digest [Hong Kong: Radio Television Hong Kong], 2010(9), 3-4. Full text: http://www.rthk.org.hk/mediadigest/20100914_76_122652.html. [張昕之 (2010)。〈媒體、挾持者、政府 ─ 「8•23」菲律賓人質事件反思〉。 香港電台《傳媒透視》,2010年第9期,頁3-4] Note: After the publication of this contribution, this article was featured and cited extensively in a popular deliberation radio program of Radio-1, Radio Television Hong Kong, the Millennium, on September 21, 2010.

  8. Zhang, X. (2010). Comparing the content regulations of TV drama between mainland China and Hong Kong: A case of criminal drama. Media Digest [Hong Kong: Radio Television Hong Kong], 2010(4), 4-5. Full text: http://rthk.hk/mediadigest/20100422_76_122599.html. [張昕之 (2010)。〈中港電視劇內容管理管窺:以警匪、犯罪、涉案題材為例〉。 香港電台《傳媒透視》,2010年第4期,頁4-5]

  9. Zhang, X. (2009). On the citizen journalism during the “Aug. 8th” Typhoon & Flood Disaster in Taiwan. Media Digest [Hong Kong: Radio Television Hong Kong], 2009(9), 10-11. Full text: http://rthk.hk/mediadigest/20090915_76_122370.html. [張昕之 (2009)。〈風雨同舟.守衛家園—試析台灣公民媒體對「八八水災」的報導〉。 香港電台《傳媒透視》,2009年第9期, 頁10-11]

  10. Zhang, X. (2009). The media coverage of “Green Dam” software incident in mainland China. Media Digest [Hong Kong: Radio Television Hong Kong], 2009(7), 4-5. Full text: http://rthk.hk/mediadigest/20090715_76_122313.html. [張昕之 (2009)。〈中國內地「綠壩」軟體風波始末:從官方到民眾—七大主角的網路媒介話語博弈〉。 香港電台《傳媒透視》,2009年第7期,頁4-5]

(updated: May 2024)